Student Life
School Life
Our full time, partial boarding academy is a holistic, student focused high school experience with a unique focus on culturally relevant curriculum and programing for students of Afrikan Decent.
School Day: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (M-F)
Uniform Required
After School Activities
Residential Requirements: orientation, one weekend per month (Fri-Sun)
Transcript Request
Print or download a request form and submit via email or fax to or fax: 404-647-2251
TSK Transcript Request
Request for a transcript of courses and degrees earned @ Tamu Sana Kanyama Preparatory AcademyIntake Transcript Request
Request to receive records from previous institutions to be delivered to the admissions or student records office of TSK Preparatory Academy
Please note that all digital request must be confirmed by phone before transcript is mailed out. Also, all alumni are issued 2 free official transcripts per year. If this is not your first or second request or if you are requesting more than two transcripts, you will be charged $2 per copy. Payment is required before transcript(s) are mailed.
All unofficial transcripts will be emailed to requested address without confirmation.
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